
Sunday, March 12, 2006

Bush League!

The rest of the AAG conference went well. Once I am safe I'll blog about the rest of my session but Sunday has been "BUSH LEAGUE!" or the day from Hell!

8:00 A.M. A roommate and I woke up early while the other two stayed in bed way too late. This was going to make the 10 or so hour car ride long. BUSH LEAGUE!

9:30 Checked out of hotel. Went to locate the car to drive back to Kansas but discovered it was towed. BUSH LEAGUE!

10:00 Found out where it was towed. Two roommates took a taxi to pick it up.

11:20 Oops, it is at the other impound lot. BUSH LEAGUE! Other impound lot is a $38 taxi ride. BUSH LEAGUE!

12:00 P.M. Arrived at impound lot. It is in a hellish part of Chicago on the hinterlands of Hell! BUSH LEAGUE!

12:30 Finally get car. Need to eat however and waste 30 minutes at a McDonald's waiting for service. BUSH LEAGUE!

3:00 Find out that tornado cells are ripping apart Kansas University's campus and Kansas City's Airport.

3:30 Tornado cells are a larger part of super cells. Bush League?

7:00-ish. Notice a large thunder storm in front of us at Columbia, Missouri. Emergency announcements of super cells crossing I-70 until 9:00. Pull over at a restaurant outside Columbia. BUSH LEAGUE!

9:00 Storm warnings and watches extended until 4:00 AM. Must spend the night in Columbia. BUSH LEAGUE!

Next time; we're all flying to and from San Francisco. BUSH LEAGUE!

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