
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Geography of "We're All Going to Die!" ... or Maps of Disasters World Wide


The RSOE Havaria Information Service offers human and natural disaster maps online. The maps are mash-ups which use Google Earth as the base. Each marker can be clicked for more information on the disaster. The markers flash in such a way one imagines it is the end of the world.

Currently maps of Hungary, Europe, and the World are available. Some disasters like "civil war" or "ethnic cleansing" are absent but most events are depicted.

Also viewable is the weather reporting system for picturesque Lake Balaton. Right now all seems well and it almost makes me want to leave the States to go on a sailing vacation. I qualify the previous sentence with the word "almost" because there is an epidemic of some horrible sort going on right near by in neighboring Serbia. (Hat Tip: Le Petit Blog Cartographique et/and Very Spatial)

Category: Maps, Neogeography, Physical Geography

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