
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Maps of the Faithful

It is hard to figure out the exact religious make-up of the United States because the Census does not ask religious questions. However, one of the things that makes America so grand is the fact the private sector can find out information the government can not or will not. Using information from the Glenmary Research Center, the Geography Department of Valparaiso University has manage to create a website chuck-full of GIS maps of religion in America.

The available maps include plurality religious group by county, religious attendance, and many more. Go see for yourself all the wonderful maps and ponder things like Baptist domination of the south and yet nothing else, the Dutch stranglehold on Northwest Iowa, and who just exactly are those Quakers of upper Alaska.

Category: Maps


Anonymous said...

That is a really interesting map. I could look at it for quite a while.

Mitch H. said...

From a quick scan, that map seems to argue that the Appalachian counties are markedly less religious than the vast majority of the urban counties. I'm guessing that there's some sort of bias against small denominations or unaffiliated denominations, because there are peculiar pale streaks through what ought to be the heart of the bible belt.

Catholicgauze said...

The Appalachian do seem that way in parts. Tennessee and the Carolinas' counties in Appalachia seem to be faithful yet other states are lacking. It could be bias.

However, I always thought of the Bible belt as the Deep South states which seem really faithful.

As for the urban areas remember that there are more minorities which (I believe if I can remember correct) are more faithful than the average cultural WASP. Blacks and Hispanics tend to live in the cities and I from personal experience know tend to be more faithful.