
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Syria Civil War Maps Batch Sixteen - The Coming Western Intervention

Many thanks to FSSP for this post

Libyan War Maps 
Syrian Arab Spring Protest Maps - Batch One
Syria Civil War Maps Batch Two - Syrian Air Defenses 
Syria Civil War Maps Batch Three - Twitter and News Update Maps 
Syria Civil War Maps Batch Four - The Soccer Map  
Syria Civil War Maps: Batch Five - Ceasefire Violations
Syria Civil War Maps: Batch Six - Houla   
Syria Civil War Maps: Batch Seven - June 2012    
Syria Civil War Maps: Batch Eight - Battle of Damascus 
Syria Civil War Maps: Batch Nine - September 2012 
Syria Civil War Maps Batch Ten - October 2012 
Syria Civil War Maps Batch Eleven - Propaganda Maps
Syria Civil War Maps Batch Twelve - First Quarter 2013

Syria Civil War Maps Batch Thirteen - Chemical Weapons Attack?
Syria Civil War Maps Batch Fourteen - Israel Strikes Again
Syria Civil War Maps Batch Fifteen - Second Quarter 2013
Syria Civil War Maps Batch Sixteen - The Coming Western Intervention
Syria Civil War Maps Batch Seventeen - Al Qaedastan in Iraq and Syria

American President Obama and British Prime Minister Cameron are making it known that they are planning to attack Syria because of Syria's alleged use of chemical weapons.

An anonymous map maker made the a Google Maps mashup claiming to show chemical weapon attacks since December 2012.

View Alleged chemical weapons attacks in a larger map

The news magazine Foreign Policy made a map showing chemical weapon and air bases which the Western forces may attack.

View Syrian chemical sites and air bases in a larger map

The Times of London made a map showing American and British naval ships that may be involved in a strike against Syria as well as potential targets.

This map, allegedly from Russia's largest tabloid daily, claims to show Syrian and Russian forces in and off the coast of Syria.  It is clear the cartographer does not know what he was doing because Jordan is shown as part of Syria and it seems units were just placed randomly on the map.

Finally there is a short and easy guide to understanding the complex middle east alliances in play.  It reminds me of The Onion's article about World War I.

1 comment:

Dina said...

Thanks for all your enlightening links in recent days.
The only thing I am enjoying in this current Syria crisis is how The Onion covers it!