
Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day 2011

Thank you for all those have and are serving their country.

For all those who are safe in their homes right now be sure to pray for peace.  Blessed Karl, the last Emperor of Austria-Hungary and now a candidate for sainthood, is favored by some as a champion for peace even during the worst times of war.

God our Father, through the gift of Blessed Emperor Karl You have given us an example to follow. In extremely difficult times he performed his burdensome tasks without ever losing his faith. He always followed Your Son, the true King.

He led a humble life, sincerely loving the poor and giving himself heart and soul to the search for peace. Even when his life was in danger he trusted in You, putting his life in Your hands. Almighty and Merciful God, by the intercession of Blessed Emperor Karl, we pray that You may give us his unconditional faith to support us in our most difficult situations, and the courage to always follow the example of Your only Son.

Open our hearts to the poor, and strengthen our commitment for peace within our families and among all peoples.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


smeeko said...

nice prayer. Thanks

Caryn said...

Thank you for your service, Catholicgauze. We have a USMC nephew, a brand-new daddy, preparing to deploy again in December. My dad was USAF. Thank you, all, for keeping us safe.

Catholicgauze said...

I will be praying for your nephew. I will be blessed with staying home this Christmas.