
Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Growing Jobs Market for Geographic Minded People

Not everyone is meant to be a geographer is a geography degree a must.  However, spatial knowledge (the understanding what is where, why there, and why care) and skills to not only "map" out what needs to be studied but also being able to analyze are needed skills in many jobs.  ESRI, the United States Department of Labor, and the British Royal Geographical Society (PDF) are all emphasizing how businesses need not necessarily "geographers" but people who can do geography to improve business.  The Department of Labor even predicts the geospatial technology field will continue to be a "high growth industry."

So if you or someone you know is educating themselves for a future career, consider taking geography courses that will emphasize spatial thinking.  You never know who will look at your resume and see spatial thinking as a plus.

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