
Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Minor Ahmed Update

Ahmed had another doctor's appointment and I finally got to meet him. 

His father came on base for business other business and I sat with them during the waiting period between meetings.  Mohammad explained to me that Ahmed is his eldest son and therefore was learning how a man conducted business with others because one day Ahmed would be the head of a household.  I could tell Ahmed was bored so I gave him a RipIt energy drink and paper to play with. While Mohammad and I were talking about how are families were doing Ahmed wrote down the names of his brothers and gave it to me.  I in turn wrote down my family tree and had it explained to AhmedAhmed took the paper and with an understandably crude handwriting style copied the names of my parents and showed his work to me.  Mohammad explained with joy that this was the first time Ahmed wrote "in English!"

I found out that Ahmed's favorite school subject is math so I wrote out Western Hindu-Arabic numerals (what we use) 0 through 10 and he eagerly copied them down.  I then wrote down 0 through 10 in Roman Numerals and he copied those down as well.  The last thing we had time to do was me showing him how to write the names of major religious figures like Noah, Abraham, and Jesus in English.  He then copied that down and showed him how the names are spelled in Pashtun.

The doctor then called for Mohammad and Ahmed.  Mohammad took the papers and proceeded to show everyone with great pride at what his son was able to do.  Ahmed was noticeably embarrassed but his dad kept showing the papers to anyone and everyone.

I was unable to stay around for Ahmed's second doctor's appointment and first appointment with an Afghan doctor but his father seemed to be in high spirits.  Mohammad wishes me to tell you all that he appreciates your prayers and his family will not forget how Americans have helped him and his son.

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