
Monday, August 16, 2010

Map and Data on Stimulus Waste

Related posts:  Stimulus Map of the United States and Fake Stimulus Jobs Map

The federal spending watchdog group Public Notice has created a map entitled "Spending Fail Map" for their Bankrupting America website.  The map displays projects which Public Notice fells is wasteful and not part of the "shovel-ready projects" which were promoted as the main purpose of the stimulus.  Projects listed included refrigerators for public-owned fish sperm and BlackBerry smart phones for smokers.  Public Notice also has a related PDF describing if the stimulus has had any effect in said states.

The map's application is modeled on Web 2.0.  It uses Facebook-like features including an "unlike" feature, buttons to share or contact Congress concerning projects, and the name "Spending Fail Map" borrows internet slang.

The map itself is poorly designed.  Each state has at least one "wasteful" project but the main view only shows one project in a select handful of states.  The main view gives the impression that there are not that many "wasteful" projects, something contrary to the maps intended message.


Ryan said...

While there is certainly some merit to the argument, groups like bankrupting america and others twist and turn, editorialize and omit information to try to make the point...It's annoying.

Catholicgauze said...

Well, this map is propaganda (don't mean that in a negative way but instead the traditional, one-sided point-of-view way)