When we last examined Moldova the pro-Europe opposition rioted while using Twitter and then the Communist majority of sixty parliamentarians was unable to gather sixty-one votes to elect a new president and by default forced new elections.
The new election results are in and how they were reported reflects poor understanding of different political procedures. The Communist Party earned forty-eight seats while the closest opposition group, the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova, only won seventeen. This lead to some news reports stating that the Communists had won. However, the opposition combined won fifty-three seats. The four parties (a center-right pro-EU party, a pro-EU and ex-Christian Democratic party, a social-liberal yet pro-market party, and a socialist party) have all vowed to create a unity government.
If the personality-driven opposition parties can work together as promised then they will appoint the prime minister. However, with fifty-three seats they are eight short of electing a president. The opposition will have to work with the Communists to find a president who will do basically nothing so not to upset anyone a la Lebanon's Michel Suleiman.
The feud between Moldova against Russia and Transnitria will continue, it may be a little more tense with a pro-Europe prime minister but the lack of sixty-one plus majority will allow the pro-Russian Communists to keep any anti-Russian moves in check. And while there is still a strong drive in some Moldovans to unite the country with Romania, the pro-European parties' leadership is unlikely to support these efforts (they now see the benefits of ruling their own little fiefdoms). However, this election will reassure many in Europe about Moldova's desire to part-take in the European Union and foster better integration between the EU and Moldova.